The New Day
Today is not just “another day”.
It is a New Day.
It doesn’t know itself as “Monday” or “Tuesday” or “Wednesday”…
Perhaps it knows itself (if it knows itself) as “Never Before” or “Never to Come Again”.
Perhaps it has no name at all.
Undefined thus unconfined,
it is not shackled by the unfortunacies of what may have been.
It is not limited by preconceived imaginings of what may or may not be.
It simply is.
How then, shall I be in this New Day?
This New Day bursting with power and with possibility,
if only I will allow it, if only I will reach for it?
For within each New Day there lies the Seed of a New Me.
Undefined thus unconfined,
I am not shackled by the unfortunacies of what may have been.
I am not limited by preconceived imaginings of what may or may not be.
I simply am.
If I will but make the space for it,
If I will but nurture it,
If I will but believe in it,
Then surely this Seed shall grow,
Surely this Life shall unfold,
In unknown ways that may yet amaze
even me.
And stand as a tribute to that which made it,
To that which made the New Day.
- Gail Fillion